I thought I'd post some words that Jonas does actually say. He has, in the last week or so, started to say some new words. But he is such a fickle pickle that you can't get him to say it. He only says it when he wants to, that goes for any sounds that he makes too.
He'll say: dog (and make the sound), car (and sound), throw (when he throws a ball), Arrrrrrgh (pirate sound), drink, juice, numm numm (means food or I'm hungry), makes cow and monkey sounds.
He's also getting a lot better with his walking, and he's a lot faster. He's almost at a run, therefore, I'm a lot busier.
Holladay Happenins has moved!
2 years ago
Jonas is just too cute with that hat on. You have such cute kiddos!
Jackson has that same shirt, therefore, YOU have good taste! :) I love the Maddie stories too. She's hilarious!
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