Ok so this is the second time that this has happened except this time it wasn't just one child but two. Today I was just gonna take a few minutes to post an ad for David and Tresea on Kijiji.com so that they could sell their birds. After a couple of minutes, Maddie comes in here to the computer where I am and is smacking her hands together and I can see that they are all sticky. And I looked at her and said, "PLEASE tell me that isn't syrup!" Then she laughs and runs put of the room. I go to check out the damage and there sits an empty 24 ounces of bottle of pancake syrup. Both of my children are standing in the puddle of it, just stomping up and down. Thankfully, most of it was on the area rug in the living room. I was angry but I didn't yell...I just looked at Maddie and said, "WHY did you do this?" And she said Jonas did it. Now she does already understand how to put the blame on her little brother but I did believe her when she said that it was Jonas b/c for some reason when the cabinet is open, that's the first thing he goes for. When we do have pancakes, I don't give him syrup so it's not like he knows what it is and he just wants it. I think that he just likes it b/c he likes to flip the lid open and closed. We do have child locks on the cabinets but there's one that doesn't and it just happens to be the one right next to the one that has the syrup in it and so as they have done before, I guess they reached through the "unlocked" one and grabbed the bottle.
Anyway, so after I found the mess, I grabbed the rug and threw it out on the patio and then grabbed the kids and threw them in the bath. And like I said, I have been through this before when Maddie was about Jonas' age now. I had taken Jason breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning and forgot to take the syrup back into the kitchen and she had gotten a hold of it while Jason and I were getting dressed for church. That time I had jumped on the computer and "googled" the best way to get it up. So that's the same way I did it this time...just diluting it with water and soaking it up. It worked pretty well. The only thing left are just spots you can't see but you can feel the stickiness when you are barefoot, I guess it's from the kids running around after pouncing in the puddle. So then I made both of them go to there beds and have quiet time and it ended up that they both fell asleep. WOO HOO!!! So then I went outside to spray off the rug and was hoping that it would come out easily. I'll have to see how it looks after it is fully dry. I'm hoping that we won't start having those tiny ants everywhere. One good thing is that we are only in this apartment for another few months and then we won't have to worry about that spot anymore. I just hope that nothing like this happens in a house that is finally ours. I know I usually grab my camera when things like this happen but today I was a little more worried about it seeping into the carpet so no pics of soppy, syrupy kids and carpet, SORRY!!! I'm just glad that we all made it through it alive and somewhat sane. And I say that with a smile :o)!!
Holladay Happenins has moved!
2 years ago
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