Maddie's birthday was June 23rd which was a Tuesday. Normally on Tues and Thursdays she has Pre-School but just so happen that that week was summer break so we had that whole day to do fun stuff. The night before, I sponge rolled her hair. Here's a pic with her rollers in. She liked having them in her hair.
So the next morning when I took them out and styled it, this is what it looked like.
Before we started on her hair, I asked Madison what she wanted for breakfast, Jason was gone by this time so it was just for me and the kids. I told her that I would fix her anything that she wanted and surprisingly she picked something super easy. She wanted muffins. So we had blueberry and banana nut muffins with chocolate milk(choc.milk is a treat at our house).
Here in Greenville they have a summer movie program that 3 times a week they offer two older movies for free. So around 9:30 we left and headed to the movies. We saw Charlotte's Web which Maddie really likes, so she enjoyed it. When the movie was over, I let Maddie chose where she'd like to eat for lunch and she choose McDonald's. So we went there to eat and let kids play for a little while. Then it was nap time. (A few pics at McDonald's)
On Tues (during this rotation), Jason gets home around 1pm. So after naps we all went to Jumping Monkey and the kids had a good time playing. Here's some pictures of them there:
Maddie playing in a little house and playing "mommy". Jason playing with the kids.
Maddie coming down the slide and jumping in the Castle jumper.
Driving with her baby in the back seat. LOL Playing in the house again.
Jonas and Maddie on some ride-on toys.
After Jumping Monkey, we came home and had dinner and ice cream.
Before bedtime, we let Maddie open a few gifts. She got a couple of sets of new PJ's, a princess toothbrush/paste, some books, and a new Hello Kitty shirt and dress.
Maddie opening her gifts. Books and her owl jammies.
Maddie showing off her new princess nightgown, and her new princess pillowcase that I made for her.
It was a good day for all of us. We had a lot of fun. And now our little Maddie is 3.
Holladay Happenins has moved!
2 years ago
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