I just noticed on my little ticker that Jason only has 4 months left before he graduates. I just can't believe it. When we moved here I thought oh boy 2 years!! I just thought that it would take forever. Well it hasn't taken forever, it has actually FLOWN by. I swear, I think time just gets faster and faster with every child you have, which is upsetting b/c I just want them to stay little forever as most mothers do. I wish there really was a Neverland then I'd let them go and live with Peter Pan so they could stay babies forever. But enough with hoping and wishing...it ain't gonna happen but what is going to happen is that in just a few more months Jason will be done with school and have a job and we will actually have the thing they call INCOME!!! I've almost forgotten what that is. I swear over the 6 years we have been married but even more in the last 2 since we've been here in Greenville in school, we have been abundantly blessed. It is a miracle that we have had enough money to get by every semester. We have done what we can and then our family has helped if we needed it but we have done amazingly well on our own with what we have. I don't know why the Lord has done so much for us, at times I feel that we don't deserve it but I guess He keeps blessing us just b/c He loves us.
Well like I said I just noticed the number of months left on the ticker and I got excited. I'm ready for the next step in life. Jason and I both have felt like we were in between stages. We have been married for a good number of years and we have kids but still treated kinda like kids ourselves b/c of still being in school and not in a career yet. I'm hoping that with a job that we will hopefully be looked at like adults.
We aren't exactly sure where, meaning what city, we will end up in but I think that our first choice in back in Fayetteville/Hope Mills. But just getting a job is most important whether it be here in Greenville or Fayetteville or else where and of course, the dollar signs ($$$) do count for something as well. Personally, I hate this stage, not knowing what you'll be doing in a very short period of time. Knowing that you are most likely moving but you don't know where to, knowing all the work you'll have to be doing in just a few months but you can't really start on b/c you just aren't sure what you are doing. Yeah I HATE it!!!! Oh well, there's not much I can do about it so I guess I should just stop the whining. Well thanks for listening, I do feel better. Though I may not know what's going to happen in the next little while, I'm still really excited to get there.
I know that I like never say this and I should be ashamed of myself but I want to let my husband know that I'm so proud of him and all that he has done to make sure that our family will be taken care of and happy. Thank you sweetie for all you hard work, time and sacrifice to give us a good life. I LOVE YOU!!!
Holladay Happenins has moved!
2 years ago
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