Well now that Jonas is one, he was due for his one year check up. So here are his stats: He weighed 23.8 lbs. which would put him in the 50-75th percentile and height was 29 1/2 inches which is the 25-50th percentile. He had to get his finger pricked AND 4 shots. Poor widdle boy!!!!
Here's a picture of Jonas after his appt. He likes this activity table that he got for his birthday. Look at my cute little man.
Holladay Happenins has moved!
2 years ago
Too cute!! OUR BABIES ARE GETTING SO BIG!!! Lori will be 1 in 2 months!!! I am going to go crazy, I can not believe how long it has been! Seems like just yesterday you got the call... lolololol
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