I can finally say that Jonas is WALKING!!! He now walks more than he crawls. He has been toddling around for a while but he just preferred to crawl most of the time but now he finally chooses to walk. He's a BIG BOY now!!! (13 1/2 months old) Here's a short clip of him walking. He is also nodding his head yes when I ask him a question. This is his new thing to do and we think it's so funny b/c he says yes to almost everything. He does know how to say No though. He's a funny boy.
Since this was such a short blog I'll go ahead and update you on Jonas' last appt with the doctor at Duke Eye Center. He went last Thursday and even though last time we went she talked like surgery wasn't even a thought in her mind for his ptosis(droopy lid). But this time she walks in and checks him for like a minute or two and says "Oh yes, were going to need to do surgery on him when he's 2 or 3 years old." Now if he needs it, then he needs it but what changed in the short 4 months between his appts. It's not like there would have been a huge improvement in 4 months anyway. Oh well, like I said I'm just giving you all an update. He goes back in Aug so we'll see what is said during that visit.
Holladay Happenins has moved!
2 years ago
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